Thursday, April 19, 2018

How to build and run Contiki-NG cc26xx-web-demo running on LAUNCHXL-CC1310 and rpl-border-router on Raspberry Pi with slip radio running on LAUNCHXL-CC1310

The following steps show how to build and run Contiki-NG cc26xx-web-demo running on LAUNCHXL-CC1310 (or LAUNCHXL-CC2650) and rpl-border-router on Raspberry Pi with slip radio running on LAUNCHXL-CC1310 (or LAUNCHXL-CC2650) .

1. Do "git clone --recursive" on your InstantContiki or Cygwin (you can build Cygwin develop environment according to here)

2. Build slip radio for LAUNCHXL-CC1310

  • 2.1 Change directory to contiki-ng/examples/slip-radio
  • 2.2 Add "#define IEEE802154_CONF_DEFAULT_CHANNEL 25" to project-conf.h
  • 2.3 Build slip-radio.bin by "make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc1310 slip-radio.bin"
  • 2.4 Download slip-radio.bin to one of LAUNCHXL-CC1310 to act as slip radio for usage of rpl-border-router.
3. Build cc26x0-web-demo for LAUNCHXL-CC1310

  • 3.1 Change directory to contiki-ng/examples/platform-specific/cc26xx/cc26x0-web-demo
  • 3.2 Make sure "#define IEEE802154_CONF_DEFAULT_CHANNEL 25" is defined in project-conf.h
  • 3.3 Build cc26xx-web-demo.bin by "make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc1310 cc26xx-web-demo.bin"
  • 3.4 Download cc26xx-web-demo.bin to another of LAUNCHXL-CC1310 to connect with rpl-border-router later.
4. Build and run rpl-border-router on Raspberry Pi
  • 4.1 Do "git clone --recursive" on your Raspberry Pi.
  • 4.2 Change directory to contiki-ng/examples/rpl-border-router
  • 4.3 Build border-router.native by "make TARGET=native all"
  • 4.4 Connect LAUNCHXL-CC1310 (running slip radio) to Raspberry Pi and make sure it emulates ttyACM0.
  • 4.5 Run rpl-border-router by "sudo ./border-router -native fd00::1/64 -s /dev/ttyACM0"

5. You can type "help" on rpl-border-router console to know more available commands.

6. You can login to Raspberry Pi using another terminal and do "ping6 fd00::212:4b00:e00:cc00" to see reply from rpl-border-router.

6. Power on cc26xx-web-demo on another LAUNCHXL-CC1310. The green led on LAUNCHXL-CC1310 should blink fast in the beginning. When you see green led blinking slows down, it means cc26xx-web-demo joins rpl-border-router.

7. You can type "ip-nbr" on rpl-border-router console to know reachable nodes.

8. Now, you can do "ping6 fd00::212:4b00:a27:f319" (fd00::212:4b00:a27:f319 is the IPv6 address of cc26xx-web-demo) and see reply from cc26xx-web-demo.


  1. Hi I followed the exact same steps to create a border router but i get error sudo: ./border-router: command not found
    how can i fix this ??

    1. Do you see any build error when doing "make TARGET=native all"?

    2. I got the same error and found that the file to run is border-router.native, so just give the "sudo ./border-router.native fd00::1/64 -s /dev/ttyACM0"

  2. I believe I managed to run everything, but when I run the border router I get a "SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied" message between "ifconfig tun0 add fd00:1/64" and "ifconfig tun0".
    Also, I cannot ping and the web-demo device never seems to connect.
    Can you help with that? Thank you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am following this tutorial and trying to implement OTA for contiki of But when I get CoAP connection I can only send 229 bytes one time to the client, anything over 229 bytes cannot be sent.I am wodering why and can you help me with that? Thank you.

    1. Hi I am trying to intergrate marks example with the border router. Were you able to do this ?

  5. I am using launchpad/cc2650 ping nowhere node,the connect:invalid argument error,do you know why? thank you
