Tuesday, April 24, 2018

How to setup Mosquitto on Raspberry Pi and make Contiki/Contiki-NG cc26xx-web-demo do mqtt publish to it.

The following steps show you how to setup Mosquitto on Raspberry Pi and make Contiki/Contiki-NG cc26xx-web-demo do mqtt publish to it.

1. Login to Raspberry Pi and do the following steps to install Mosquitto.
  • 1.1 Run "apt-get update" and "apt-get install mosquitto" to install Mosquitto server.
  • 2.2 Run "apt-get install mosquitto-clients" to install mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub.
2. Follow steps in How to configure 6lbr to make it can do ping6 to a CC26xx/CC13xx node from Raspberry Pi running 6lbr to setup 6lbr in bridge router mode.

3. Do "ifconfig" to get br0 IPv6 address. In my case, it's "bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709".

4. Go to cc26xx-web-demo MQTT/IBM Cloud Config page and set "bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709" as broker IP.

5. Open another ssh login to Raspberry pi and run "mosquitto_sub -h bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709 -t iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json" to subscribe to ccx6xx-web-demo publish topic. You should be it receives cc26xx-web-demo published MQTT messages.

p.s. You can also use "mosquitto_pub -h bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709 -p 1883 -t iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json -m "hello"" to test MQTT message publish from Raspberry Pi terminal.

6. The following steps show you how to toggle red led on LAUNCHXL-CC1310 or LAUNCHXL-CC2560 running cc26xx-web-demo.
  •  Use "test" as Org ID instead of "quickstart" and "123456" as Auth Token instead of empty.
  • Click "Submit" to make cc26xx-web-demo to reconnect to mqtt server.
  • Start a ssh login to raspberry pi. Use "mosquitto_pub -h bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709 -m "1" -t iot-2/cmd/leds/fmt/json" to turn on red led, or "mosquitto_pub -h bbbb::e786:9d85:9446:709 -m "0" -t iot-2/cmd/leds/fmt/json" to turn off red led.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I get a "Bad Request" reply when I set the broker ip as the Raspbian with bbbb::xxx and etc.
    Can you give me some help?
